Introducing Sadhana Into Your Daily Life

Sadhana means daily spiritual practice. Whether you are a yoga teacher or a dedicated practitioner, cultivating and sustaining the habit of daily practice is an integral part of moving from “doing” yoga to being yoga, allowing it to permeate your life, to move from the mat into every aspect of your existence. 

The daily practice is much more than exercise, stretching, strengthening, bending and making shapes with the body. Sadhana is the idea of a daily discipline, something that you do every day in service of some sort of spiritual awakening or connection with you higher-self.

If this concept is difficult for you, think about it as a daily discipline or practice to grow self-love, inner-peace and purpose in life. Isn’t that what most of us search in life?

“Yoga does not transform the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

— B.K.S. Iyengar

Developing and sustaining a daily yoga practice can be challenging because finding the time in our busy lives is not an easy task. However, when you feel unhappy, lost or disconnected you need to make real changes. Not the kind of changes where you get external solutions such as a new job, a perfect relationship, a better house, pills for depression or anxiety, a glass of wine or others that may bring happiness just for a couple of hours or days. But the real changes that come from inside.

If you are looking for real transformation introduce Sadhana into your life.

Transformation = Time + Repetition

But remember that transformation takes time and repetition. So, let’s start!

How can You Sart your Sadhana?

1) First of all, you can chose what is better for you each day. You can then combine practices:

  • Asana

  • Pranayama

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Chanting mantras

  • Positive Affirmations

  • Walkings in the nature

2) Secondly, commit to a 5 to 10 minutes practice a day. Most probably you will start feeling the benefits of the Sadhana and, naturally, increase the practice duration.

- The important thing is never quit -

In this spiritual practice there is the element of discipline but also the element of surrender. And the element of surrender means that instead of quitting on things, you can turn them over and release:

  • the need to control;

  • the need to understand and;

  • the need to have a particular outcome in a particular time frame.

You just keep doing the best you can . That is what is really asked from you. When you start surrendering and doing the best you can, every day, you are being bigger than your ego, and that’s when you start being in touch with your higher-self. That amazing being that lives hidden behind your ego.

By starting a sadhana, you voluntarily participate in a self-designed program that inspires a transformative journey. 

During this journey you will start feeling the benefits:


Even though it takes a short amount of time, this practice requires a daily commitment. This means you are putting yourself first and you are taking time for you. You will cultivate your inner-strength and self-love and then you can use this commitment with yourself when you face difficulties in life.


Your mind and ego are always creating all kind of excuses to move you away from what is uncomfortable. By showing up to your practice every day you build discipline. You can channel this discipline into other areas of your life as well. This will give you the power to work for things you truly want and not get distracted or unmotivated by the little voice in your head.

3.Focus and Presence

With Sadhana you will practice staying present each day and cultivate peace of mind. Your attention and reflection will increase. Your skills in bringing your mind into a calm state will be enhanced. With the ability to live in the present, you will feel free from the burdens of the past and the anxiety of the future. This clarity will give you more strength and ambition to work for your goals.

4.Connnection with Yourself

By creating daily time and space for yourself you will feel more connected to your body, your mind and soul. This will inevitably increase your awareness and clarity about your inner-world. Knowing yourself better gives you the ability to identify your triggers and to process your emotions and also to respond and not react in difficult situations in your life. So daily drama decreases and your contentment and joy increases.

Don’t start tomorrow. Find 5 minutes and start right now!!

With Love ❤️

Cristina Dionísio


Encontrar Força Interior Através do Yoga


Meditação para Celebrar o poder Feminino